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Coasters Retreat is a well kept secret and most importantly it is a place that is steeped in Aboriginal history.  The Retreat sits in the middle of a prominent rock carving in the front of the property and a recently discovered Shell Midden at the rear.  Information about this will be discussed with me to ensure that guests treat the sites with an appropriate level of respect and awareness of its specialness.  


Within an hour of Sydney, Coasters may seem too close to bother going to for a holiday.   In fact it is the perfect place to go given that rather than spending time on freeways in traffic  one can maximise ones holiday time in an environment where times slows down and before you know it you will be absorbed into the magical energy of the place.


No freeway traffic jams to get there but rather a ferry ride and a walk through the forest and then up to The Retreat which, hands down, has the best vantage point allowing you non stop enjoyment of the beautiful views and local wildlife.   If mountain biking and hiking is your preferred mode of transport the property can be accessed in that way from West Head Road. 



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